Cultural Heritage
Italy is a nation very rich in artistic heritage dating back to the whole period of Human presence on earth. The knowledge and care of this heritage represents a field of action in which GIS applications play a major role. They allow an easy and quick access to the charactieristics of each element involved in the construction of this heritage, to its development in time, its location and the spatial relation with the orthwe components of territory itself. This Technology allows to create virtual reconstructions of the areas of belonging of the interested objects, allowing to share this information with all the actors that revolve around protection and spreading knowledge of various cultural assets.
Geosystems has a wide experience in information systems for the management of Cultural Heritage, both at regional and national level. Its achievements make it possible to carry out assisted field censues, manage workflows for the evaluation and protection of the cultural goods, share information via standard interoperability protocols, study the development of protection processes over time and, mostly, to ensure knowledge-sharing among experts of protection, conservation, restoration and economic exploitation of Cultural Heritage.