Public Green
The Public Green is the natural lung of the cities, mitigates the effects of pollution and the environmental impact of man-made actions, helps regulate the microclimate, provides support for recreational actions and protects slopes and scarps with conaining action of the various local tree species.
Given its importance, its clear that the correct management of the Public Green is of the utmost importance for public administrations and private companies responsible for the monitoring and maintenance. The many product developed by Geosystems meet this need, and allow a complete management of this field, from mapping to field recording of analyses on individual plants (VTA tabs), the management of prescriptions and interventions up to consultation with specialists or citizens who can have at their disposal tool of knowledge of their city and the usability of public green areas.
The database produced in this way, in which all information is historicized, represents a fundamental basis for understanding the dynamics in existence in the city environment and to support decisions on green policy.
The City of Florence, using the management systems of the Public Green produced by Geosystems, has won the following awards:
- National Award For Innovation "Prize of Prizes" 2020, established by the Presidenc of the Council of Ministers by concession of the President of the Italian Republic. award received at the hands of the President of the Italian Republic in December 2020.
- Digital Agenda Award 2019, called for by the Polytechnic of Milan, in the category "Local Authorities' Digital Agenda" with the "Florence Green Smart City" initiative.